AcupunctureAcupuncture has long been the source of many stand up comedians’ routines over the years, but the immediate results that it achieves is no joke.
When your pain, inflammation, or even allergies and insomnia become intolerable, then acupuncture may be the ideal choice for you. Most people know of acupuncture as being the treatment where someone simply sticks needles into their head. However, there is a deeper level of expertise and finesse at play, and one that shows results almost instantaneously. Much like focusing on the body’s natural pressure points, acupuncture targets areas that work together that can ease certain types of pain effectively. The other reason that acupuncture is an effective pain management option is that rather than relying on prescription pain medication and other chemical-based treatment choices, the body’s natural pain relief systems are activated. By using sterile needles that use tiny points, only targeted areas are stimulated. As a result, the body releases endorphins, serotonins, and other naturally occurring chemicals that won’t cause side effects. |
Acupuncture Relief
Life Family Chiropractic offers some of the most talented acupuncture workers in the greater Tyler TX area. With many years of practice, choosing us means not settling for someone offering it as a fad.
We are true acupuncture professionals who know the exact target sites for your exact needs. If you’ve been toying with the idea of giving acupuncture a try but are afraid of using a low quality office, then you’ll love the results that our practice achieves each time.
Acupuncture utilizes more than just small needles to ease pain and discomfort. Certain applications also rely on mild sources of heat, pressure, low voltage electricity, and other complimentary options that make the most of your visit.
Each technique is used for a specific purpose, and you may or may not need several forms of acupuncture. No matter which techniques are ideal for your exact condition, you can find them offered here with us.
The great thing about acupuncture is you don’t even need to have a chronic pain condition to enjoy the benefits of having it professionally performed. Just as others may have decided to have a massage, acupuncture provides an effective outlet for relieving stress from your hectic daily schedule. If you’ve noticed that work or even family life is beginning to cause you to feel fatigued or even if you’ve becoming developing stress and tension headaches, acupuncture can help provide you with a deep level of relief without the harmful after affects of pain pills and even ibuprofen.
Even you suffer from joint pain, chronic pain, or just need help unwinding from a particularly stressful week, then acupuncture is an effective way to treat your relief needs. By stimulating tensed nerves, muscle, and other tissues and promoting the body’s natural defenses against pain, you can have a comforting wave of relief in no time at all.
Call today to schedule your professional acupuncture visit and treat your pain and stress the natural way. Feel relief faster without taking medication.
We are true acupuncture professionals who know the exact target sites for your exact needs. If you’ve been toying with the idea of giving acupuncture a try but are afraid of using a low quality office, then you’ll love the results that our practice achieves each time.
Acupuncture utilizes more than just small needles to ease pain and discomfort. Certain applications also rely on mild sources of heat, pressure, low voltage electricity, and other complimentary options that make the most of your visit.
Each technique is used for a specific purpose, and you may or may not need several forms of acupuncture. No matter which techniques are ideal for your exact condition, you can find them offered here with us.
The great thing about acupuncture is you don’t even need to have a chronic pain condition to enjoy the benefits of having it professionally performed. Just as others may have decided to have a massage, acupuncture provides an effective outlet for relieving stress from your hectic daily schedule. If you’ve noticed that work or even family life is beginning to cause you to feel fatigued or even if you’ve becoming developing stress and tension headaches, acupuncture can help provide you with a deep level of relief without the harmful after affects of pain pills and even ibuprofen.
Even you suffer from joint pain, chronic pain, or just need help unwinding from a particularly stressful week, then acupuncture is an effective way to treat your relief needs. By stimulating tensed nerves, muscle, and other tissues and promoting the body’s natural defenses against pain, you can have a comforting wave of relief in no time at all.
Call today to schedule your professional acupuncture visit and treat your pain and stress the natural way. Feel relief faster without taking medication.